2 min readNov 23, 2018

Who is the client?

A US based interactive marketing company focused on the music industry.

  • Offers a feature-rich link shortener
  • Offers web platform that helps artists and other companies target online advertisements
  • Active in an array of different countries across the world
  • Leverages a wide array of partnerships and integrations

Business problems to solve

  • Increase client satisfaction
  • Increase engagement
  • Gain new clients
  • comply with GDPR enforcement

To solve these problems, the existing product needed complete replacement with data migration to new system. UI/UX required redesign, existing legacy modules needed to be replaced, and a newer, more modern architecture with better scalability developed and deployed.


  • Frequently-changing ad tech industry
  • Build solid back-end, then build UI
  • Tight time requirements
  • Navigate GDPR compliance



  • Project based work model was used on the project. We fixed and agreed on the set requirements, timeline and cost.
  • Project demos were held on a bi-weekly basis. This allowed us to get feedback instantly and to adjust the deliverables
  • Weekly project status report helped our client to be aware of the completed tasks and plans for the next week.
  • Quick, regular sync up calls with business analyst made the client feel more confident and helped our engineering team to clarify requirements without any interruption in development.

Programming stack

  • Angular 5, TypeScript, HTML5, Sass, Node.js, npm, Angular CLI
  • OpenJDK 1.8, Kotlin (google approved), Spring boot/data/web
  • PostgreSQL, Redis, MongoDB
  • Nginx, Tomcat
  • Jenkins, Docker
  • AWS (ES2, S3, SES, Route 53)

How did we solve the problems?

  • Determined business process and elicited requirements
  • Analyzed existing documents and UI
  • Conducted interviews (including focus groups and surveys/questionnaires)
  • Estimated efforts and costs
  • Adapted existing business processes rather than creating from scratch
  • Prototyped solution (mockups, wireframes)
  • Created documentation in wiki system (Confluence)


  • UI became standardized and intuitive
  • Implicit flows became explicit
  • Inviting learning curve for new users
  • Satisfied users and stakeholders

Feedback from the client

“We really want to thank you and your team for all their late nights and early mornings helping us get this launched as smoothly as it did today.

People have been very happy with the user experience in general, and the updated design, and they love the MultiStore feature.

Please extend a very warm ’thank you’ to everyone that helped make this happen for us and let them know we’re looking forward to many more launches together. It was incredibly important for us, thank you” — CEO

Next step

Get in touch for a consultation! Our team stands behind all products they designed or improved. Just give us a call, it’s free. Or write us via

Author: Maxim Korotkov, Maxilect CEO
Editor: Tom Denman, Business Development Partner




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